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Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Cheat Day- Yes I said cheat!

Greetings Y'all!

I hope you all had a wonderful day!!

I am a huge fan of reading blogs.  One of the blogs that I enjoy is  At you can see free workout videos and diet advice from Zuzana and Freddy. 

They are wonderful!!  I haven't been brave enough to try their extremely intense workouts yet, but I will get there.  Anyways the point of mentioning them is the fact that they believe in taking a cheat day.  Which I think is genius.  So many times diets fail because we don't allow ourselves to still enjoy the things we love.  So one day a week I will pick a day to have a cheat day. 

Now this doesn't mean I am going to go crazy and eat everything in sight.  No, this means that I will still follow my diet plan but I might allow myself to have something that I have been craving that week.  As you look at my food journal today I will astrick the items that were part of cheat day.

Today was such a beautiful day!!  The dogs and I went for a walk this morning and I must say nature did not disappoint.

So onto my food/exercise journals for the day.

Food Journal

Breakfast:  Coffee with creamer and Key Lime Pie Greek Yogurt.
I spent my morning with my favorite southern butter lover!!

Lunch:  White Bean, Spinach, and Tomato Pasta, Buddy Fruits Apple Cinnamon.

Dinner:  HUGE salad at Jason's Deli's salad bar, and *ice cream*

Snack:  2 Weight Watchers Jalapeno Pepper cheese slices, Buddy Fruit Apple Cinnamon flavor, detox tea, and *1/2 of a small popcorn from the movies*.

Water Intake:  8/8oz glasses

I also took my vitamins as well today.

Exercise Journal

30 mins: Walked the dogs
45 mins:  Worked on building a Nazerene home out of cardboard for VBS.

This was a great workout! All three of us were exhausted!

Poor Pooped Pups

Today was a great day.  I was able to get so many things done. But most importantly I got to spend time with two of my most favorite people in the whole world, Mason and Payton, my two little cousins.

We had dinner together and then went and saw the Smurfs movie.

Have a wonderful night everyone!
Remember Phil 4:13



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